Cooking, GCSE

(also known as Domestic Science, Home Economics, Food Technology, Edible Biology, Culinary Chemistry, Nutritive Physics, Digestive Sociology and anything else that makes it seem like a serious subject, and not the piss-easy doss-around it is).

A Home Economist writes: "It really is challenging - sometimes you have to make several different types of cupcakes in one lesson! And sometimes there is a difficult theory bit, where Mrs Elsdon or Thomlinson or whoever she is says something like "Fibre is GOOD for you", or "Fat is BAD for you", and we have to write it down and remember it, which really is quite difficult! But it is very fun, and we all have a bit of a laugh - like last week, when Sharonella accidentally put raisins in her cakes instead of sultanas!!! And then Tracyette said, "there's no raisin to cry about it!!!!!" After she had explained the joke, we all had a good old giggle! And yesterday we learnt how to give ourselves lobotomies!!!!!!"

We would like to reassure our readers that the author of the above is receiving intensive psychiatric treatment.