Gopsi dustbin

Yet another tribute to the great Gopsi engineers has to be the Gopsi Dustbin. At first sight, it might be criticised for being sensible. Surely an anathema to such sane people as Gopsi? It is however a fine example of the crafted-around-being-useful-yet-not-being-utilitarian-and-at-the-same-time-being-aesthetically-pleasing school of design. With the exception of being aesthetically pleasing, this work typified that school. Inspired by the notion of making an artistic statement by placing an everyday object in a completely different context to the one with which it is generally associated, spearing a crisp-packet on a broken strand of chain-wire fence for use as a "dustbin" cannot be regarded as any less than a masterpiece of conceptual art. While such a statement is not perfectly sane as such, it does demonstrate the intrinsic flare and genius to be found in many artists.