The School Bonk

First years regularly bonked at lunchtime with Polly Field, Sarah Howard, Susan Bilborough, Tara Grieveson, Cathryn Wiffen, David Bunting and Tim, and the person from Barclays.

That is to say, the younger members of the school community regularly carried out financial transactions, of both deposit and withdrawal natures, with the school bank, which was set up predominantly by Gopsians under their aforementioned pseudonyms assumed for this purpose.

The amount of back-office work performed by this venerable financial institution often goes unrealised. As well as the necessary one, or perhaps two cashiers on the front desk, our prudent human resource planning ensured that there were always sufficient staff (normally considerably more than the actual number of cashiers) to handle the crucial background work of the bank. Most of this work came in the form of messing around on the computers - a highly skilled job, for which experienced operators are particularly sought after.

See also: The Bank of David