The Gopsi Tape

Here are the digitally remastered recordings from the "Gopsi tape" session at Stephen's house.

Mr Fernandez rode a horse (take 1)
Mr Fernandez rode a horse (take 2)
The Twelve Days of Gopsi
Noel & Liam's lonely hearts club band
You are what you eat
Samson sung backwards
Sexy Day
Country H'use
Irene T'Bngs H'use
I can see the motorway
There was a man
The world is coming to an end
Sex and poo

An argument
CP - one of Timothy's
Stuff from David's Mac
Ole - Zack
S2 - Timothy
Theme tunes
Toilet - Timothy
Wahaaa - Stephen
Wazzy - Timothy
Dr Who theme tune

Recording notes

We kind of made an unspoken decision that all of the songs would have all of us singing (and I use the term reluctantly), often acapella. It's important to bare in mind that most of us had very little musical ability, and couldn't sing to save our lives. This was reflected in our confidence, and so the recordings are somewhat quiet. The volume was amplified when they were digitised, and as a consequence the quality of these recording is very poor. Note that most of these songs use the same tunes as various traditional songs.
The first song recorded was Mr Fernandez rode a horse. We had to re-record it as people were laughing too much the first time. When Stephen was typing out the lyrics for this, he mistyped the line "and it smelt of poo" as "sand it smelt of poo". Ian decided to sing "sand" anyway. The Twelve Days of Gopsi was written outside Stephen's house as various Gopsi members chatted on the way home from school, possibly after a Latin lesson. You'll notice it is sung rather slowly, with Ian trying to speed it up during the last verse, resulting in chaos.
Noel & Liam's lonely hearts club band is the closest thing here to a musical achievement. It is sung only by Zack, who also plays guitar. Ian suggested afterwards he should have included the line "We talk about how hard we are for hours / Although we're still afraid of Mike Flowers". You are what you eat was from a video we watched in a biology lesson, the first couple of lines are identical to the Gopsi version. Stephen originally wrote the verse as a rap, but it was truly appalling so the verses in this version were written the morning of the recording. Stephen and David were the only ones who knew what the tune of this song was, but were unable to convey this to the others, and so the tune was dropped resulting in this rather dreary number.
Samson was a song often sung by Gopsi members, especially by those who had attended Cunningham Hill junior school. Timothy composed an excellent piano intro to this. Unfortunately the only recording we have of any Gopsi performance of the song is this reversed one, sung by Timothy.
Sexy day kind of evolved over a long period of time, and to be frank should never have been recorded. It's the only one that was considered by Andrew to be too silly, and he refused to be a part of it. Country H'use uses the same tune as "Country House" by Blur, and features Zack on the piano. There is no better example of our lack of musical confidence, as you can hardly hear the singing at all. One point to listen out for is Ian trying to sing the line "Lots of animals to harm" as "Lots of animals to molest". He'd done this in the practices too, so you can hear Stephen yelling "harm" at the same time as Ian yelling "molest".
The chorus of Irene T'Bngs H'use is a masterpiece. This was recorded significantly before the recording session, straight into Stephen's PC in his bedroom. It includes Stephen, David, Ian and Simon, and possibly Andrew too. Stephen adds a "hehehe" onto the end.
I can see the motorway is arguably the most original Gopsi song, conceived by Timothy. The group rejected Stephen's suggestion to write down all of the translations beforehand, and so some of them were only known by Timothy. You'll note we stopped and started again, as Timothy complained that the line should be sung four times, not three. We agreed a compromise that we'd do the English version four timres, and the rest three.
There was a man was recorded at Stephen's Dad's PC, using a midi file as backing. Note some of them start singing at the wrong time, but this false start was left on the recording.
The world is coming to an end has Zack on guitar. This was also re-recorded as the first time Zack was laughing too much to play guitar or sing, as it was the first time he'd heard it. This recoding is not featured here.