A - Hell
B - Staff room windows
C - Betty Beaumont (squashed)
D - Scene of the great floor
E - Traffic cone
F - Dead mouse
G - The chasm
H - Doors to Hall
I - Other Pole
J - Other other Pole
K - Dead daffodils
L - Pole jump
M - The cliff
N - The steps
O - Ants
P - The bag storage facility
Q - Susannah's diary
R - Arnold Barton
S - The Hall
T - Sex Gopsi Testicles Slurp
U - Footprints + Union Jack (Sort of)
V - The Gopsea (Seasonal), formerly the gopsi garden
W - The record player (smashed)
X - The Gopsi garden
Y - Vines etc
Z - 35 secs of gas oil.
a - Bird preparing to shit on members of Gopsi
b - Banana + exploded yoghurt.
c - Graffiti
d - Christmas tree on roof
e - Aardvark bath
f - The scaffolding
g - The branch
h - "Excuse me"
i - The relic + irons
j - Sad gnomey people
k - The incredible shrinking shed
l - The Gopsi firing range
m - Bits of Branch
n - The submarine
o - The Gopsi log cabin (Demolished)
p - Mr. McKenna's car (May move or change shape without notice)
q - Mr. Roberts car
r - Mr. Roberts
s - Ms Carter
t - Private parts
u - Mr. Coopers car (Wrong way round and on brink)
v - Mrs Jolly's skoda (Rust in peace)
w - Jimmy Lenins car (being ransacked by his children)
x - Mr Poldings car
y - The killer worm
z - The nurses car
1 - Yoghurt stains
2 - Note from Stephen
3 - The tax disk
4 - Formerly a flower bed
5 - The black pole