0 - ghosts seen at Minsden Chapel
2 - the number of options before David and Stephen were let loose on them (see 203)
e - an irrational number which when raised to the power of pi times i, and added to 1, equals not a lot.
3 - the number of rolls
pi - the ratio of the diameter of a (perfect) gopsi-cake to its circumference
4 - what we used to Connect in GCSE technology
4 - number of times CSA crossed the road unnecessarily
5 - age of Richard, painter extraordinaire of "Jasper the Guinea Pig"
14 - Postboxes said hello to on 6/10/94
16 - trips on Gatwick (the hub without the hub-bub) shuttle train
27 - the number of swings we swung upon on 30/3/94
35 - seconds of gas oil
42 - the atomic number of Molybdenum
69 - a number remarkable solely for the fact that it is the only one with its own encyclopedia entry
81 - degrees something was once
120 - hours without doing a turd (soon after the lake district trip; record since beaten)
124 - not equal to 2 x 64 (see Alcohol)
203 - the number of options after Stephen and David had finished with them (see 2)
207 - letters in untim...
360 - degrees to be turned on a 'croquet hoop' to gain a silver or gold award
666 - the number of the beast
1772 - melting point of platinum - see candela